
Immersion And Perseverance


The Eureka moment(Aha moment) is perhaps the holy grail of humanity.

​Ever since mankind began to use tools and fire, creativity gained through struggle and agony has been the axis of mankind’s survival and prosperity along with cooperation.

​From the writings of around 800 BC at the beginning of human history to modern art theory, why do we associate creativity with Dionysian deconstruction and intoxication rather than Apollonian intellectual formalism? Why are cannabis and microdosing LSD so persistently popular in Silicon Valley, the factory that turns creativity into money?

​I oppose the use of cannabis or FAAH inhibitors as a tool for creativity. This is because habitual use can make the brain lazy and dull. But in order to understand creativity, we need to study the workings of these compounds and endogenous substances in the brain.

​It takes immersion and perseverance to reach the eureka moment when creativity explodes.

​Concentration (immersion, flow, zone) prevents the default mode network in the brain from ruminating/censoring the central processing network. In other words, immersion frees you from information/stimuli from your surroundings and past memories/habits, and as the speed and breadth of your thinking increases, your work efficiency improves. The time required for brain activity to study or work efficiently is the time it takes to concentrate.

​However, simply immersing oneself in a problem does not mean that creativity will explode immediately. Creativity arises from desperation, anxiety, struggle, and anguish, and by enduring the pain, it comes with the rise of anandamide, the endogenous endocannabonoid. When driving car on highway, immersion is when the traffic jam finally clears and you begin to speed up, and anandamide surge is when you finally break the limit with a nitro booster and take off, entering the zone of creativity.

​Research and software development are underway in this regard.